Xavier Fonseca

Xavier Fonseca, Maestro en Arquitectura en Investigación y Docencia en Arquitectura, así como también del Diplomado en Gestión Ambiental, otorgados por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, es catedrático en diversas universidades de México y autor de diversos libros y publicaciones sobre Arquitectura como "Las medidas de una casa" PAX (2011).
Architect Xavier Fonseca is a graduate from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). He did a master's degree in Research and Teaching, in the areas of Architecture and Urbanism. He is a scholar at both UNAM and Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM). He has been a professor and a researcher for over 40 years in several universities in Mexico and Central America. As a public servant, he has held management positions in social housing organisations such as Fovissste, Fividesu, and Infonavit. He has worked at several departments of UNAM, ISSSTE, and Sedesol. In recent years, he has been in charge of the operational coordination of some of the most important international architecture competitions. He is the current director of Instituto de Arquitectura Metropolitana (UAM-MEXICO) and secretary-general of Sociedad de Arquitectos y Profesionales en Investigación y Enseñanza Superior (Sapiensa). He has been a publisher and is the author of several titles, including Las medidas de una casa: antropometría de la vivienda (2021) and A Home’s Self-Assembly: The Building of Housing, both published by Editorial Terracota under their Pax imprint.